Better City Better Life_bettercitybetterlife的英语作文

       很高兴有机会和大家一起谈论Better City Better Life的话题。这个问题集合包含了一些常见和深入的问题,我将详细回答每一个问题,并分享我的见解和观点。

1.better city better life 初中英语作文



4.”better city better life”初中英语作文(60字~80字)


6.Better City Better Life 作文

Better City Better Life_bettercitybetterlife的英语作文

better city better life 初中英语作文

       Nowadays, with the fast development of economy of the world, many cities become bigger and bigger and many modern cities are appearing. Thus, we face the complex problem: Urbanization. Urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long time. Some people are in favor, while others are opposed.

        In my opinion, urbanization benefits human beings rather than do harm to them.

        Two reasons may account for my conclusion.

        Firstly, urbanization enriches our life.

        We can imagine what will happen without convenient traffic system, without big department stores, without KTVs and many other entertainments? To some extent, it is impossible for human beings to live in this world. Urbanization make it possible for us to enjoy our life more than before, Also,urbanization quicken the pace of science, especially in the communication field, in the early time, if we want to connect with our family members or friends, the only way we can choose is writing letters. But urbanization changed this situation, we can talk with the friends in the foreign countries with our any difficulties through the Internet, we gain whatever information we need on the internet. These conveniences are brought by the urbanization.

        Secondly, urbanization also raise our country economy.

        As we all know, the policy of Reform and Opening give our country a golden opportunity to develop our economy, we have a direct feeling about the dramatic increasing of our living standard, many productions that we cannot afford in the past time can be owned in today. This phenomenon proves that urbanization benefits our life basically. With the fast step of urbanization, many job opportunities are supplied in the occupation market which make many rural migrant workers get a solid work in the urban area. They also contribute to the economic development in the urban area. These prosperities are definitely brought by the urbanization.

        I live in Shanghai, and it is a typical big city in China. I found that we also have many negative sides of urbanization. For instance, we can talk to the friends thousands miles away, but we don’t know our neighbours in the high-rises; many migrant workers do not enjoy the same profits and rights as the permanent unban residents and this will make their living without and insurance system.

        But we don’t need to be so pessimistic of the situation at hand. It is evident that the advantages of urbanization outweigh the disadvantages. What we should do is to remain the positive side , meanwhile to conquer the negative side. Our government will also introduce many effective policies to narrow this contradictory. So we have enough reasons to believe the situation will become better and better so that we can reach our aim ”better city, better life ” !










































































































































       In my opinion, the Expo is a large and grand ceremonies. I can imagine that in Shanghai, has no national boundaries, away from all over the world people are discussing the changes here, not only the environment has become more sanitary, and construction is getting better and better. Following the Olympic Games after the motherland and the people is the second one is excited event

        Shanghai World Expo, construction of the "Shanghai World Expo Park" is also careful planning, it is estimated there is a permanent exhibition hall. My favorite is the mascot of World Expo - Hai Bao. This is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf. Hoi Po's image and self-confidence to use both arms warm smile welcomes friends from around the world. Hoi Po is a Chinese character "person" as a core creative, because only supported one another throughout the world, man and nature. Man and society. Harmony among people, so that the city will be better.

        I'm looking forward to Shanghai World Expo held in Shanghai has been constantly progressing, people of the motherland is also injected into the Expo. Olympics. I believe that the Expo would surely be the same as the Olympic Games a complete success, has become so difficult for other countries to replace the state, win glory for the whole of China! I hope I can do something for the World Expo, in order to cheer the arrival of the Expo bar!

”better city better life”初中英语作文(60字~80字)





       Better City,Better Life

       Have you ever thought over your life in the city?Is that comfortable or not?If possible,you could listen to me!

       As we known the 2010 world Expo will be held in shanghaiadvertise of the 2010 world expo"Better city,Better life"is known by a lot of people in shanghai.I hope to see you in the 2010 world Expo in shanghai

       The cities now are becoming more and more modernize,and the things in our lives are more and more advanced/先进的/now.But is that the real meaning of better life?

       I don't think so.The better cities should include better environment,but not only modernize and advanced things.

       As we can know and see,the cities now are making more and more kinds of pollution and make the nature bear all of them.

       Now the nature is fighting back,such as the global warming,the acid/酸性的/ rain,well,I don't want to list them any more.

       So if we want to have better lives,we have to protect the environment.That can surely make our cities better and more livable.

       Better environment causes better cities;better cities cause better life.Don't you think so?

       Well,that's all of my views.Perhaps all of you listened happily!Thanks


Better City Better Life 作文










       Life”.  上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。






       theme?  为什么会确立这个主题呢?















































       development.  With












       established between






       earth’s biosphere







       earth are




















       development.  其核心思想可以这样理解:城市史人创造的,它不断地演进、演化和成长为一个有机系统。人是这个有机系统中最具活力和最富有创新能力的细胞。人的生活与城市的形态和发展密切互动。随着城市化进程的加速,城市的有机系统与地球大生物圈和资源体系之间相互作用也日益加深和扩大。人、城市和地球三个有机系统环环相扣,这种关系贯穿了城市发展的历程,三者也将日益融合成为一个不可分割的整体。





















       the City","Economic
















       and "Rural-urban

       Interaction".  为了更好地理解“城市,让生活更美好”,上海世博会还设有五个副主题分别是“城市多元文化的融合”、“城市经济的繁荣”、“城市科技的创新”、“城市社区的重塑”、“城市和乡村的互动”。


       On one hand, it gives us place……powerful the China is! Better City, Better Life “Better City, Better Life” is the topic of 2010Wold Expo .How can we understand it? The answer to this question is that we can’t live without city. On one hand, it gives us place to live and food to eat. If our city become worse, what will our life become? On the other hand, if our city become better, more and more foreigners will come and visit our city,they will know how colourful the Shanghai is and how powerful the China is! So city is an important part in our life .But how can we prepare for the 2010World Expo? The most important thing is that we must keep city clean.As a student, we must work hard and get good mark in exam.So let's take action .Let's make our life more colourful.






       中国2010年上海世界博览会(EXPO 2010),是第41届世界博览会。于2010年5月1日至10月31日期间,在中国上海市举行。本次世博会也是由中国举办上海世博会的首届世界博览会。



       主题:城市,让生活更美好!(Better City,Better Life.)











       成龙参加了在此间为当年世博搬迁居民的文艺表世博、在全世界推广世博,动员身边的人参与世博,他和所有市民一样期待着上海世博会的到来。姚明在片中向世界说出了上海世博会的主题和愿望:“城市,让生活更美好上海世博会;世博,让上海更精彩;你我,让世博更成功!” 在成龙、姚明、郎朗之前,张韶涵、BOBO组合、潘玮柏、英国歌唱家莎拉·布莱曼、日本乒乓球运动员福原爱,以及谷村新司、小筱顺子等一批海内外名人受聘担任上海世博会海外推广形象大使。



       中国馆自然是最受欢迎的展馆,世博开园第一天,共接待游客3万余人。外国场馆中的热门馆依次是瑞士、法国、德国、西班牙、日本、意大利、沙特阿拉伯、英国、韩国、 美国。










       展馆是一座复古而创新的“藤条篮子”建筑,外墙由藤条装饰,通过钢结构支架来支撑,呈现波浪起伏的流线型。阳光可透过藤条缝隙,洒落在展馆内部。展馆内设“起源”、 “城市”、“孩子”三大展示空间。












       展馆外观宛如一只展开双翅的雄鹰, 欢迎远道而来的客人。展馆是未来美国城市的缩影,包括了清洁能源、绿色空间和屋顶花园等元素,通过多维模式和高科技手段,引领参观者在四个独特的展示空间踏上一段虚拟的美国之旅,讲述坚持不懈地创新以及社区建设的故事。
















       中国2010年上海世界博览会(EXPO 2010),是第41届世界博览会。于2010年5月1日至10月31日期间,在中国上海市举行。本次世博会也是由中国举办的首届世界博览会,主题为:城市,让生活更美好Better City, Better Life。

















       好了,今天关于“Better City Better Life”的话题就到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“Better City Better Life”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的生活中更好地运用所学知识。