akta pilot_AKTA pilot 600最高流速

       今天,我将与大家分享关于akta pilot的最新动态,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。

1.akta pilot

akta pilot_AKTA pilot 600最高流速

akta pilot

KTApilot? is a high performance, automated liquid chromatography system. The system is designed for process development, process scale-up and scaledown, and small scale production. In process development, ?KTApilot simplifies the transition from laboratory purification to full scale production. Scale-up to production is predictable and trouble-free. It can also be used in scale-down studies in process robustness, cleaning and virus validation, media selection, media lifetime studies, and method scouting. In small-scale production, the system can be used to produce purified material for clinical testing programs, or for small-scale production of diagnostic or therapeutic products. ?KTApilot system is based on proven liquid chromatography techniques, such as ion exchange, gel filtration, affinity chromatography, and hydrophobic interaction. The system can be used with pre-packed columns as well as with standard laboratory and pilot-scale columns packed with media. ?KTApilot can also be used for packing columns. ?KTApilot system is biocompatible, hygienic and sanitizable. It meets all GLP and cGMP demands for Phase I–III in drug development and final-scale production

       AKTA explorer 是AKTA蛋白纯化系统,AKTA系统依据不同的配置,可以分为AKTA EXPLORER、 AKTA PILOT、AKTA PURIFIER等多种型号的设备。

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