




4.求con il tuo nome的歌手的介绍






       [数] 定理;?(能证明的)一般原理,公理,定律,法则;




       His theorem can be translated into simple terms.


       By the corollary to Theorem 4.3, the origin is asymptotically stable.

       根据定理4.3的推论, 原点是渐近稳定的.






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       这款腕表是梵克雅宝在2018日内瓦钟表展上展示的珍作,圆形砂金石表盘上带有玫瑰金太阳、镀铑金流星、粉红珍珠母贝睡醒、绿色珐琅金星、绿松石地球及钻石月球,将宇宙间各个星体的运转活动真实的展现在腕表中,搭配18K白金材质的表壳,表圈铺镶一圈美钻,表冠处镶嵌一颗钻石,在细节之处更为精致,其表底设计更为惊艳,白K金和黑色PVD涂层平衡摆陀,白K金月球以雪花镶嵌工艺镶嵌钻石,搭配绿松石地球,装饰宝石标示相关星体。这款腕表带给人无限生机与活力,机芯型号为Valfleurier Q020,动力储备为40小时。

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       宝玑(Breguet)那不勒斯王后系列Reine de Naples Princesse Mini 9807迷你款公主腕表,有两款不同的材质,精钢材质的蓝色款清新爽朗,而玫瑰金款式则高贵典雅,但是造型中都凸显女性高高在上的气质。优雅的表壳弧线打造出那不勒斯独有的造型,表框上具有坑纹装饰。表盘以大溪地的母贝制成,呈现天然的色泽,同时腕表内侧还镌刻独立编号与 Breguet 字样。偏心刻度环位于 6 点位置,搭载罗马数字时符,一种典雅、复古的气息不言而喻。表盘上的设计非常简约、大方,虽然没有以往那不勒斯皇后的钻石装饰,但是时符与曲线,早已将表的特色勾勒地淋漓尽致。针尖镂空的宝玑指针,小巧而精致。




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求con il tuo nome的歌手的介绍




       Spagna (born Ivana Spagna, 16 December 1954) is an Italian singer and songwriter.

       Spagna was born in Verona, Italy. She started her career singing in English. In the early '80s she provided vocals (with Angela Parisi) and wrote songs for a pop duo project called Fun Fun [1] as well as writing songs for many other disco projects until 1986 when she embarked on a solo career.

       Her first dance song "Easy Lady" (1986) was a hit throughout Europe. In 1987 she released her second successful hit, "Call Me": the song ranked 1st in the European Top Chart, hit Number Two in the UK Singles Chart (and it is still the highest position ever achieved by an Italian singer in the UK), and made #13 in the Billboard Dance Chart.

       The same year her first album, featuring the two singles, was released. Dedicated To The Moon sold 500,000 copies, and won an international prize for having been the best-selling album on Compact Disc that year.

       After a dance-rock album, You Are My Energy (1989), and one more minor hit in the UK chart ("Every Girl and Boy"), by 1990 Spagna, supported by Sony Music, moved to the U.S.. She lived in Santa Monica, working on her new pop album No Way Out. This collection featured a song written by Diane Warren ("There's A Love"), and the two singles which she released in the U.S. - "Love At First Sight" and "Only Words".

       In 1993 Spagna moved back to Europe again, and recorded Matter Of Time, considered by many her best album in english, featuring new eurodance rhythms and ballads and spawning the two successful singles "Why me" and "I always dream about you".

       In 1995, after the release of her last European hit ("Lady Madonna") as a single, she started singing in her native Italian. She took part several times in the Sanremo Festival, the most important Italian song-contest, ranking 3rd in 1995 with the song "Gente Come Noi", which became the biggest hit of the year in Italy.

       From that year onwards, Spagna released many successful albums sung in Italian (including hit singles such as "Siamo in due","E io penso a te","Lupi solitari","Indivisibili","Dov'eri","Il bello della vita-World Cup Song","Con il tuo nome") until 2003, when she left Sony Music in order to sing in English again. She joined an independent Swiss record label (B&G), and recorded Woman, a dance-pop album featuring eight new songs in English, a couple in Spanish and one in French, which spawned the three singles "Never say you love me", "Woman" and "Do it with style". In 2004 a new remixed version of "Easy Lady" was released, and played by radio stations throughout Europe.

       Spagna's fourteen albums have sold a total of over 10 millions copies worldwide.

       In February 2006 she took part in the Sanremo song contest, with the song "Noi Non Possiamo Cambiare", and in May 2006 ranked third in the Italian reality show "Music Farm". She is currently (June 2007) working on her next album which is scheduled for release in the late 2007 or early 2008.


       * Dedicated To The Moon (1987, English)

       Track List 01. Call me 02. Sarah 03. Dedicated to the moon 04. So easy 05. The power of money 06. Easy lady 07. Dance dance dance 08. Why can't I say (I love you babe) 09. Baby blue 10. Girl, it's not the end of the world

       * You Are My Energy (1988, English)

       Track List 01. I wanna be your wife 02. This generation (IIII) 03. Let me (say I love you) 04. Friday 05. Me and you 06. You are my energy 07. Why don't we talk anymore? 08. Every girl and boy 09. Woman in love 10. March 10, 1959

       * No Way Out (1991, English)

       Track List 01. Only words 02. You break into my heart 03. No way out 04. Love at first sight 05. Me and my love 06. I don't wanna fall in love 07. There's a love 08. Number one 09. I miss you 10. I only dance with you

       * Spagna&Spagna: Greatest Hits (1993, English - collection)

       Track List 01. Easy lady (Band of Gipsies 12" Remix) 02. Call me 03. Dance dance dance 04. Every girl and boy 05. I wanna be your wife 06. This generation 07. Love at first sight 08. Dedicated to the moon 09. You are my energy 10. Let me say (I love you) 11. Me and you 12. Only words 13. No way out 14. No more words (original version) 15. Easy lady

       * Matter Of Time (1993, English)

       Track List 01. If I listened to my heart 02. Why me 03. You'll be mine 04. Don't go away tonight 05. Why are you leaving me 06. If you really love me 07. I always dream about you 08. Matter of time 09. You & I 10. I'll walk away 11. I'll keep loving you

       * Siamo In Due (1995, Italian)

       Track List 01. Davanti agli occhi miei 02. Siamo in due 03. Mai 04. Chiamami 05. Come il cielo 06. Il cerchio della vita 07. Gente come noi 08. A pugni chiusi 09. Uno come te 10. Un natale che non finira'

       * Lupi Solitari (1996, Italian)

       Track List 01. Colpa del sole 02. Ti amo 03. E io penso a te 04. Ci sarò 05. Come l'alba 06. Lupi solitari 07. Un amico 08. Se perdo te 09. Se ti rivedrò 10. Arriverà

       * Indivisibili (1997, Italian)

       Track List 01. Indivisibili 02. Una razione d'amore 03. Dov'eri 04. Fuori dal normale 05. Immaginarti qui 06. Cipolle e fragole 07. Tomiamo insieme 08. Ogni giomo di più 09. Quello che voglio 10. Sarà 11. Ghost Track: Mercedes Benz

       * E che mai sarà: le mie più belle canzoni (1998, Italian - collection)

       Track List 01. E che mai sarà 02. Ill bello della vita - world cup song 03. Gente come noi 04. Siamo in due 05. Davanti agli occhi miei 06. Come il cielo 07. E io penso a te 08. Lupi solitari 09. Colpa del sole 10. Ti amo 11. Indivisibili 12. Dov'eri 13. Lay da da 14. Se fosse vero amore 15. Mi sto innamorando

       * Domani (2000, Italian)

       Track List 01. Gloria 02. Con il tuo nome 03. Un po' d'amore 04. Aspettavo te 05. Acqua 06. Mi amor 07. Domani 08. Anime sole 09. Messages of love 10. Anche un momento (è tanto se tu ci sei) 11. Al sole 12. L'ora dei ricordi 13. Claire de lune

       * La nostra canzone (2001, Italian)

       Track List 01. Teorema 02. Eloise 03. Il nostro concerto 04. Ho difeso il mio amore 05. Dicitencello vuje 06. Quella carezza della sera 07. Never alone 08. Bang bang 09. La donna cannone 10. De en jour

       * Woman (2002, English)

       Track List 01. Woman 02. Never say you love me... 03. A day without you 04. Tears of love 05. Baila 06. Màs allà del cielo azul 07. Lady in black 08. Comme c'est bizzarre la vie 09. Do it with style 10. A new day 11. Rain and tears

       * L'arte di arrangiarsi (2004, Italian)

       Track List 01. Sound of silence 02. Dopotutto ti amo 03. Dove nasce il sole 04. Gente como tu 05. Ti amo 06. Easy lady (reggae version) 07. Rock your baby 08. Call me 09. Al di là (del cielo blu) 10. Davanti agli occhi miei 11. Come il cielo

       * Diario Di Bordo (2005, Italian)

       Track List 01. Prova d'amore 02. A chi dice no 03. Anche solo per un istante 04. Day by day 05. Diario di bordo 06. Greta 07. Donna Invisibile 08. Come un raggio di sole

       * Diario di bordo - Voglio sdraiarmi al sole" (2006, Italian)

       Track List 01. Noi non possiamo cambiare 02. Vorrei fossi tu 03. Voglio sdraiarmi al sole 04. Prova d'amore 05. A chi dice no 06. Anche solo per un istante 07. Day by day 08. Diario di bordo 09. Greta 10. Donna Invisibile 11. Come un raggio di sole

       片雾烈火:Swallow;暗がり篭ノ鸟;Deep Blue Sky & Pure White Wings;

       love+solfege:Cronaca dell'Akasha-绫野えいり;エピローグ-観月あんみ;プロムナード-鮎、绫野えいり、観月あんみ等···;

       志方あきこ(vagrancy):西风の赠り物;金色の嘲笑 ~丽しの晩餐~;睡恋;





       愈月:フラクタル;You;The tree story;

       真理絵:ROYAL BLUE;アルカナの祈り;Tears;


       Lia:Karma;青空;Light colors;

       六弦アリス:Mystique Avenue;Welcome to the Lunatic Town!;骨董店 『Mystique』;

       少女病:Exodus(早期作);Celestial Blue;fine;

       Barbarian On The Groove:Teorema-霜月はるか;天启とオラトリオ;风と黄昏;

       I've Sound:Seed-川田まみ;Eclipse-川田まみ;Double HarmoniZe Shock!!-KOTOKO & 诗月カオリ;

       初音ミク:アンドロイド Voc@loid ~I am not a robot~(最早期的Vocaloid);目覚まし时计;メルト;

       SOUND HORIZON:<ハジマリ>のChronicle;朝と夜の物语;磔刑の圣女;


       各种东方:片月下円舞曲;Black Lotus;蛙石;


       WhisperRecords:Over S.;Perpetual;Will-o'-Wind;


       みとせのりこ:夜天に灯す;Lhiannan Shee;

       fripSide(其实就是観月あんみ啦):0の轨迹;Grand blue;



       凛:Color ribbon;

       Yuko Ishibashi:大切なことば;


       Miglen:All Of Me;



       ave;new:Kiss my lips-佐仓纱织;




       彩音:cloudier sky;

       U:クルクルlovely bay;


